Integra Nutrition

Integra Nutrition

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The founders of Longevity Sciences have led award winning companies in the natural health industry and have a true passion for it.  They realized however that practitioners and patients alike are looking for something new and for products that produce tangible, measurable results.

They also realized that they weren’t getting any younger and it was highly likely that others weren’t as well.  In fact, the majority of us are in fact getting older and becoming increasingly concerned and arguably smarter about our health choices.

So they went on a quest to discover what the world offered as a solution to this aging epidemic.  They found a plethora of creams and lotions to smooth things out, surgeries to tuck and lift saggy parts, drugs being repurposed, or renamed rather, to appeal to aches and pains of aging body parts, biotech firms with drug-based solutions yet to hit the market (if ever) and the science of in vitro tissue regeneration to grow organs to replace the ones worn out in your body.


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