Cracking Cancer Toolkit: Using Repurposed Drugs for Cancer Treatment

His web sites are and Big box book stores and Amazon bring us sources of information that used to be almost impossible to access. A book written by someone with direct personal experience is priceless. Many have turned to writing books to disseminate information that could never be heard or discussed otherwise. In 2004 Dr. … Read more

Depression After Childbirth: How to Recognize, Treat, and Prevent Postnatal Depression

The “Blues”Even then, Dr. Dalton described depression with increasing degrees of severity. The most common was called, “maternity blues”, “baby blues” or “postnatal blues”. It would start within 3 to 10 days post-delivery, but would pass. The “blues” presented with lots of tears and crying, with a sudden onset and often with no apparent reason. … Read more