
A Tribute to Dr. Katharina Dalton

It’s not really funny. PMS jokes abound in today’s society. It’s very likely that most of us toss around the acronym of PMS for premenstrual syndrome without giving a thought to where this originated. PMS in the Movies In 1994, there was a movie entitled “Tom and Viv” about the relationship of T.S. Eliot (the … Read more

Hormone Receptors are THE Thing!

selective focus photography of assorted color puzzle pieces, analogy for hormone receptors

Testing for hormones to define how to use them, or how to confirm successful interventions, fails because ultimately we need to know what happens at the hormone receptor. Whether we test the serum or saliva or urine, the real action of hormones occurs at the receptors.   All hormones are alike Conventional practitioners are insisting that … Read more

Testing for Steroid Hormones

Testing for Steroid Hormones

Testing for steroid hormones. Most practitioners wish to get an idea of their patient’s steroid hormone status. They would further like to confirm that there is a positive result which can be demonstrate by rechecking testing.  Commercial labs are available to provide measurement of hormones in blood, saliva, urine and even hair and fingernails.  To … Read more

Biohacking Bioidentical Hormones

white table with tasty scattered almonds

The dictionary defines hacking in “computerese”  as to devise or modify (a computer program), usually skillfully.   Dave Asprey challenges  us to the concept of “biohacking” in his book “The Bulletproof Diet”. Dave Asprey is an early Silicon Valley computer engineer who made millions with Internet hacking.  He describes hacking as needing to make complex systems work even … Read more

Biohacking Bioidentical Hormones

The dictionary defines hacking in “computerese” as to devise or modify (a computer program), usually skillfully. Dave Asprey challenges us to the concept of “biohacking” in his book “The Bulletproof Diet”.