Can You Use TOO Much Progesterone?

Too much progesterone

Too much progesterone, how much is too much? During the last trimester of pregnancy, women can reach levels of progesterone in the serum as high as 200-300 ng/ml and more. During the luteal phase, getting to a level of 20 to 30 ng/ml is usual. Most women feel amazing during the last three months of … Read more

PMDD: The Tragedy of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder


PMDD treatment frequently fails to address the underlying need for progesterone. This article reviews how restoring progesterone has fallen off the radar. A few weeks ago, I received this email from Gemma Banks who hosts a Facebook group in the UK. (1) Hi Carol, Firstly, I’d like to say ‘Thank-you’ for everything you do and … Read more

Dr. Ben Bikman on Insulin Resistance

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Dr Ben Bikman, author of “Why We Get Sick” and associate profession at Brigham Young University spoke in a Diet Doctor podcast. Dr. Bikman studies the hormone insulin. As a PhD, unlike physicians he points out that, he is fortunate because he gets paid to be curious. He describes insulin resistance as both high levels … Read more

Saddest Thing I Ever Heard

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It was one of the saddest things that I have ever heard. I was attending a conference on age management medicine.  I met an internist who practiced in a large university setting hospital sitting next to me.   He shared this with me: His patient confessed to him that his wife had told me that she … Read more

Chlorella For Dioxin Exposure

air air pollution climate change dawn

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt ( reminds us of the effectiveness of chlorella for detoxification. The Wellness By Design Project Recommended Products CHLORA-XYM A blend of three (3) certified organic vegan superfoods in a base of proteolytic enzymes and probiotics. Registration Unlock Code: USE777 Discount Code: WBD10