What Lies Beneath The Surface?

person holding a poster

On November 15th, the Canadian Association of Clinical Thermography hosted an online conference “What Lies Beneath The Surface?” For the next two weeks, it will still be possible to register and listen to the recorded presentations: https://www.facebook.com/associationofclinicalthermography/ I was honored to provide a lecture on estrogen and breast health. In addition to identifying causes of … Read more

The End Of Mercury Amalgam

man in blue scrub suit wearing black headphones

Ending the Toxic Exposures to Mercury Amalgam Charlie Brown from Consumers for Dental Choice* recently announced a huge win in the fight to stop the application of mercury amalgam fillings.  This widespread practice has resulted in significant health disruptions which are not easily identified by conventional medicine.  This practice, entrenched in dental education and organizations, … Read more


metals on display

We are beset by issues concerning hormone balance. We already understand many of the issues that arise when hormones simply decline with aging. We know that plants have hormone like activity. For instance, there are the estrogen qualities in soy or adrenal adaptogens such as ginseng. We can harness these plant effects to help us. … Read more