
Defending All Forms of Bioidentical Progesterone With Phyllis Bronson, PhD and Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP

Defending all forms of bioidentical progesterone with Phyllis Bronson, PhD and Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP

This webinar features guest experts Dr. Phyllis Bronson and Carol Petersen, who emphasize the importance of progesterone and address misinformation about it. We discuss the distinctions between real progesterone and synthetic progestins, the different forms of progesterone administration, and the significance of progesterone levels compared to estrogen levels. The conversation covers the safety and benefits … Read more

The Specter of Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance permeates the discussion of hormone therapy and balance, it is not a medical term. Dr. John Lee first introduced the idea of estrogen dominance. It didn’t matter if estrogen levels were too high or normal or even too low. If progesterone was low relative to the estrogen effect, then one could suffer from … Read more

Can You Use TOO Much Progesterone?

Too much progesterone

Too much progesterone, how much is too much? During the last trimester of pregnancy, women can reach levels of progesterone in the serum as high as 200-300 ng/ml and more. During the luteal phase, getting to a level of 20 to 30 ng/ml is usual. Most women feel amazing during the last three months of … Read more