
Hormone Receptors are THE Thing!

selective focus photography of assorted color puzzle pieces, analogy for hormone receptors

Testing for hormones to define how to use them, or how to confirm successful interventions, fails because ultimately we need to know what happens at the hormone receptor. Whether we test the serum or saliva or urine, the real action of hormones occurs at the receptors.   All hormones are alike Conventional practitioners are insisting that … Read more

Neglected Balance of Estradiol and Progesterone

cairn stones and body of water in distance

Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior is a tireless researcher of women’s hormonal functions and related health problems. She has identified and published information striking at the social myths that prevent good therapy. Ignorance, lack of good science and poor translation to clinical use abound. Recently, she shared “Women’s Reproductive System as Balanced Estradiol and Progesterone Actions- … Read more