
Hysterectomies are Profitable

Drugs, Money, Hysterectomy, Syringes, Stethoscope

Lies are unbecoming just published extensive post about hysterectomies which is removal of the uterus. It is often accompanied by oophorectomies (removal of the ovaries). 22 million women are currently living in the US having submitted to these surgeries, most of which are not necessary.  After surgery, when women are stripped of their ovarian hormones, … Read more

What Lies Beneath The Surface?

person holding a poster

On November 15th, the Canadian Association of Clinical Thermography hosted an online conference “What Lies Beneath The Surface?” For the next two weeks, it will still be possible to register and listen to the recorded presentations: I was honored to provide a lecture on estrogen and breast health. In addition to identifying causes of … Read more