The Molecular Basis of Aging – ICIM’s Online Hormone Meeting

group of people on conference room

Now is the time to take advantage of ICIM’s online hormone meeting, don’t miss the LIVE panel discussion portion of our virtual conference! Sign up by Friday at 6 pm EST, and catch “The Molecular Basis of Aging” featuring David Brownstein, MD and Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP, moderated by Phyllis Bronson, PhD. Our virtual conference is “Endocrine … Read more

What Lies Beneath The Surface?

person holding a poster

On November 15th, the Canadian Association of Clinical Thermography hosted an online conference “What Lies Beneath The Surface?” For the next two weeks, it will still be possible to register and listen to the recorded presentations: I was honored to provide a lecture on estrogen and breast health. In addition to identifying causes of … Read more

Melatonin – Not Really a Hormone?

a man with stethoscope around neck covering mouth with his hand

Dr. Russell Reiter is a larger than life legend in his own time residing in Texas. He is the Editor-in-Chief ofthe Journal of Pineal Research and on the Editorial Board of 7 other journals. He has received threehonorary doctor of medicine degrees and, most recently, the Presidential Distinguished Scholar Awardfrom the University of Texas, Health … Read more

The End Of Mercury Amalgam

man in blue scrub suit wearing black headphones

Ending the Toxic Exposures to Mercury Amalgam Charlie Brown from Consumers for Dental Choice* recently announced a huge win in the fight to stop the application of mercury amalgam fillings.  This widespread practice has resulted in significant health disruptions which are not easily identified by conventional medicine.  This practice, entrenched in dental education and organizations, … Read more

Progesterone Use as Hormone Replacement Therapy: Myths, Facts and Solutions.

person in white hand gloves writing on white paper

Following is a letter presented to the Townsend Newsletter and published June 2020: Dear Editor, RE: “Progesterone Use as Hormone Replacement Therapy: Myths, Facts and Solutions.” We wish to comment on interpretations of certain “facts” which may not be fully grounded. And there are some points that are greatDr. Gary Huber DO makes a … Read more