
When Women Don’t Like Progesterone

two women sitting in a room

When Women Don’t Like Progesterone Dr. Katharina Dalton had pioneered using progesterone in suppositories or injections in large doses to treat severe PMS. (1)  These women faced monthly havoc with high anxiety, fluid retention, sore breasts, feeling suicidal and homicidal, experiencing seizures, and excruciating migraines.   Research done by Drs. Hargrove and Maxon, (2) demonstrated that … Read more

Candida and Hormones – Find Out How These Might Be Affecting You.

Hormones, wellness, bioidentical hormones, wellness by design, carol Petersen, nutrition, hormone balance, hormone imbalance, hormone coaching, certified nutritional practitioner, integrated medicine, take charge of your health, pharmacy compounding, hormone therapies, bioidentical hormone therapies, hydrocortisone, health lifestyle

Carol Petersen is an accomplished compounding pharmacist with decades of experience helping patients improve their quality of life through bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with Women’s International Pharmacy. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy and is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner. Carol’s passion to optimize health and commitment to compounding is evident in her involvement … Read more