When Women Don’t Like Progesterone

two women sitting in a room

When Women Don’t Like Progesterone Dr. Katharina Dalton had pioneered using progesterone in suppositories or injections in large doses to treat severe PMS. (1)  These women faced monthly havoc with high anxiety, fluid retention, sore breasts, feeling suicidal and homicidal, experiencing seizures, and excruciating migraines.   Research done by Drs. Hargrove and Maxon, (2) demonstrated that … Read more

Neglected Balance of Estradiol and Progesterone

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Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior is a tireless researcher of women’s hormonal functions and related health problems. She has identified and published information striking at the social myths that prevent good therapy. Ignorance, lack of good science and poor translation to clinical use abound. Recently, she shared “Women’s Reproductive System as Balanced Estradiol and Progesterone Actions- … Read more

Progesterone Use as Hormone Replacement Therapy: Myths, Facts and Solutions.

person in white hand gloves writing on white paper

Following is a letter presented to the Townsend Newsletter and published June 2020: Dear Editor, RE: “Progesterone Use as Hormone Replacement Therapy: Myths, Facts and Solutions.” https://www.townsendletter.com/article/439-40-progesterone-as-hormone-replacement/ We wish to comment on interpretations of certain “facts” which may not be fully grounded. And there are some points that are greatDr. Gary Huber DO makes a … Read more